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Photo Albums
We scan all photos and pages
at 600 dpi
(optimal and the best)
All album scanning takes manual time, either with flatbed scanning or taking out/putting back photos.
Albums where the photos are glued in £1 per photo,
each page is preserved too with any writing in margins,
under the photo etc.
Albums with the sticky striped background (popular in the 80s)
£1 per photo if you want it back the same, 75 pence per photo if you want the photos back in envelopes.
Albums with plastic wallets,
as above £1 per photo or 75 pence per photo if no need to put the photos back
Scrapbooks or similar, where the page is wanted as a whole scanned and not individual pictures are charged at from £2 per page
We are quite unique in being prepared to take the albums and sort and scan the photos and return them the same
Basic Colour and Light Restoration
included in the Scanning Price
Always happy to discuss a project
"What a great service. Henley Scan were a pleasure to deal with. Quick, personable and
great quality of service.
I gave Eva around a dozen photo boxes/albums and she transferred them all on to a USB in a really quick time. She even collected and delivered the photos - you really can't ask for better.
I'm now able to share the photos across
the world with family."
Sweden year 2000

We scanned, enhanced, recreated and printed a old wedding album for a customer to be shared in more copies between the siblings after their parents passed away.
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